Suede for clothing, leather goods and footwear.

New items in Nuova Partenopea Pelli are often unknown, the result of experiences and needs of the custumer or the result of experiments that the creaative company genius is able to offer. Many of the classic articles that have now become standard in the production of clothing, footwear leather handbags. It’s for this reason that we decided to write our way of interpreting the classics of Italian leather articles giving our point of view, what we think are the characteristics to highlight and qualify our product.

We spend a few questions to Marco Siciliano, product manager and descendat of the family with who we will speak about the quality of the Suede according to Nuova Partenopea Pelli.

Tell us about the article ”Camoscio”, suede in international parlance:

The article Suede may have different uses and it is for its use that it involves certain characteristics. Suede for footwera and leather goods for example is provided, commonly, with a thickness varying from 0.7mm to 0.9 mm and a sealed tanning. Many of our customers, with regard to the shoe, require water resitance as an essential characteristic accompanied by the test of resistance to rubbing to verify the ability of leather to non fading on fabrics. Different, instead, is the clothing suede, where the thickness is more thin, from 3mm to 6mm, and the need for tear resistance even at very low specific weights, essential quality to give sagging and enveloping effect to the article.­

How was born this article? What kind of work involve?

The best basis for a good quality suede are the goats, that have a very compact structure of the skin that guarantee, after grinding, a really fine hair.­ Speaking about the tanning, all the skins after tanning are set at crust, at this point they are grinded and selected and then they are dyed in drums creating the finished article.

What are the quality of the article according to Nuova Partenopea Pelli?

It isn’t a simple thing,the quality depends on what the client needs, but I try to give a point of view. It’s important that the colors have a bright and full visual impact, being an grinded article and lacking in gran, the skin tends to lose its natural reflective characteristics.

It also need to have the capability to writing effect,an essential characteristic of a real suede. Being a natural product, totally died in the drum is essential to have a clean and uniform dyeing.­