Chanel enhances italian manufacturing skills

Chanel Fashion Division President explains why the French maison prefers Italian suppliers.

In a long interview with How to spend it – il SOLE24ORE, Bruno Pavlosky, President of the Chanel Fashion Division, spoke about made in Italy and the importance of Italian suppliers for the French maison.

During the interview he explained that Italians, with their specific skills, offer to the fashion industry what no other country is able to give. That’s why Chanel is for half made in Italy and it aims to acquire 100% of Italian suppliers. Thanks to an operation that involved the  Ballin Shoes from Veneto, the footwear( affecting the 50% of Chanel production) are now entirely produced in Italy, placing the experience of Italian master craftsmen at the service of French creativity. In fact, creatives work is still carried out in France.

Because of the Italian excellences are indispensable for Chanel, Pavlovsky reveals that the company will be committed for the next 20 years to protect the know-how that makes unique homegrown creations.

Finally, President of Fashion Division of French maison declares that even in time of lockdown, Chanel has decided not to stop production to support its supply chain. “It would  have been  easier to stop everything , to wait, but – he concludes- I would have caused and I would cause huge repercussions.”

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