The fashion industry is one of the most polluting in the world, immediately after oil and synthetic chemistry ones.
Although achieving a true sustainability of the fashion industry is rather difficult, in recent years a growing percentage of companies have started to demonstrate a certain sensitivity towards environmental issues and starting green projects.
The Italian tanning chain has also started an environmental change. The industry with green DNA which was born as the recovery activity of a by-product of the meat supply chain to transform it into a product with very high added value, has routed new maneuvers to reduce the environmental impact starting from water and energy consumption per unit of product up to the use of chemicals in the tanning and re-tanning processes.
The reduction in water consumption has been made possible by the adoption of new technologies that require less water resources and using management and control systems able to monitor consumptions. Energy waste was also limited through the use of renewable sources and innovative systems for recovering the heat produced.
In addition, also the use of the chemicals necessary to make functional and aesthetically perfect skins, it has undergone a clear reduction. All of this was made possible by using a new organic tanning method that does not involve the use of metal compounds (metal free) able to guarantee a perfect product from all points of view, including the environmental and economic ones.
Thanks to these maneuvers, environmental costs have been reduced by 60% in recent years making leather one of the leading materials of ecological fashion.