Italy is the country that gave birth to the great artists of Renaissance:an open-air workshop,an avant-garde forge where the man was at the center of any discussion beyond the medieval ideology. Creativity and craftsmanship have been a starting point and a richness of great value for our Italy. Today, more than ever, the advantage of Italian companies is given by the capabilities and techniques that artisans have and that have been handed down for generations. These potentialities, in a so difficult period like this, allowed the Made in Italy luxury sector to hold not only the crisis, but also a strong economic growth.
The products of excellence, particularly in leather goods, confirm a positive trend that shows none signs of stopping because all of them stake on craftsmanship. Ideas and projects root in skills and techniques of local artisans, true richness and potential of many small and large companies. Italy has a extraordinary culture in doing things, but the Achille’s heel probabily is represented by a poorly performing communication. It should be highlighted more the ”Italian style” because the foreign market loves the luxury products, refined elegance and the traditional raw material of our products. Companies operating in the high end of the market and producing high quality accessories continue to be on the rise, moreover style is in the detaile, even those that are not visible at first sight and finishes are the hallmark of our tradition.
More and more people abroad appreciate the quality, the craftsmanship in a product that is functional and aesthetically pleasing. To increase the value of this heritage is a duty. This has been understood by few companies that stake on handing on the ”know how to do”, the knowledge of excellent abilities, with the aim to encourage and train a new Italian artisans generation. The important thing is to keep reminding one of the most valuable aspects of our country: creativity, enhanced by homegrown skills, considered the most talented ever.
No wonder, therefore, if the interest of Asian and Middle Eastern to the leather products is steadly increasing; it is essential not losing our tradition but keeping have care, focusing on the formation and stimualting small companies. The luxury is therefore an element of rarity and uniqueness that Italy has the duty to export and exploit relying on institutions and development policies.
Translate by Alessandro Siciliano