Nuova Partenopea Pelli at ‘’Live Social’’ on Radiopuntozero

Nuova Partenopea Pelli was the protagonist of the Live Social radio format on RadioPuntoZero.

The radio talk of RadioPuntoZero, Live Social, which gives voice to the professionals and entrepreneurs of Italy , hosted an interesting interview with our Head of Foreign Relations Alessandro Siciliano. To the microphones of Alberto Casagrande he told the story of Nuova Partenopea Pelli, starting from the Siciliano family’s centennial experience in tanning world.

A three-generation long history that has allowed the company to work firstly for small shops and, today, for large distribution and important brand. Taking part to the major international trade fairs, combined with the undisputed quality of the leathers, has in fact allowed the internationalization of the tannery.

Nuova Partenopea Pelli produces leathers for clothing, footwear and small leather goods. However the core business is represented by glove leather. The work of making glovewear articles – Alessandro Siciliano explained- is rather delicate because not all leathers are suitable for this use. This is why is essential a carefull selection of raw leathers, paying attention to origin and provenance, features that give it softness and technical specifications to the article.

Attention to raw materials and the high quality of the leathers makes Nuova Partenopea Pelli a symbol of quality and beauty of made in Italy in the world.

For more details, please follow the interview with Alessandro Siciliano on the microphones of Live Social, by clicking here.